3371 Chattanooga Valley Road Flintstone GA 30725 706.820.2833

3371 Chattanooga Valley Road Flintstone GA 30725 706.820.2833

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year... New You?

January can often be a time of new promises, plans, and purposes. We try to become new, somehow, and we often do so all on our own. Or at least we aim to change.
But think of it like this: If a man sets out to lose 30 pounds, what will he do? He'll create some kind of plan of action. He might decide to eat less and go on walks on his lunch hour. He might plan to eat only until 9pm and get up before work a bit earlier so that he has time to bike there instead of driving his http://www.blogger.com/moderate-comment.g?blogID=6037796599053332958car. Unfortunately, there are a few flaws in this plan. What will happen if the man stays up a little later at night and decides to sleep in? He'll end up driving to work, maybe even stopping at McDonald's to grab a not-so-fat-free breakfast. And January and February are often pretty cold... so walking on the lunch hour might also be avoided from time to time. If he prepares his own meals, there is no one stopping him from having a little extra, or a little late night snack. Here is the point: when we try to create change on our own, we fail. Let's face it, we humans are weak!
Just like this man could benefit from a trainer and even a nutritionist, we too need some expert accountability from time to time. Seek out a friend to keep you accountable. Spend time regularly with a pastor or wise mentor. If you are looking to improve your employment situation, find someone who is a professional and can give you direction. God desires that his people live in community with one another. Don't be afraid to involve others in your goals and dreams... or even your day to day life.

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