3371 Chattanooga Valley Road Flintstone GA 30725 706.820.2833

3371 Chattanooga Valley Road Flintstone GA 30725 706.820.2833

Monday, November 2, 2009

Take Control of Finances

For many, this past year has been a rude awakening. Some have come to realize that their investments were not as stable as they may have believed them to be. Others lost a great enough percentage of their "savings" to find themselves living on quite a lower standard of living. There were the scandals and exposed intrigues and schemes -wealthy men went to jail, and poor men lost their jobs. And of course, there were plenty of us who were just "poor" enough to live exactly as we had been, with no investments, a modest amount tucked away in a savings account, and a job in a fairly safe location.
No matter who we are, or how we did or did not feel an impact from the change in the world economy, the truth is that we could all stand to take another look at our finances. Have I been responsible, or just lucky? Did I spend that as a wise investment, or in frivolous celebration of an unexpected windfall? What would happen if ____ happened? Where will we live ten years from now? What will we need in the future?

Guess what? There are some incredible resources out there that can be of help in answering these questions and more. One of these is Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. I looked up classes in the North Georgia area and found 7 that are going on right now! Click on this link to find out where you can get plugged in.

The Dave Ramsey site is also very helpful on various financial issues. Check it out here.

Another helpful resource is Crown Financial Ministries, which was founded by Howard Dayton in 1985 and joined with a financial ministry of Larry Burkett in 2000. Get in touch with a crown coach in our area.

Hope also offers financial counseling with our participating pastors. We hope to offer a Financial Literacy course sometime in Spring 2010.

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