Employed? You can sigh in relief. Maybe. Unemployed? You are not alone. In today's New York Times, there was an article entitled "Jobless Rates Rise to 6.7% as 533,000 Jobs Are Lost."
check it out.
As someone working in an area where the job market is more than depressed, I found this article extremely helpful, even though it had almost nothing but bad news that I already knew. With four students in our LaFayette Jobs for Life class, my eyes are always open for job advice and/or opportunity. Here are some key points I walked away with:
Make your search broad. In the current market, one cannot afford to stick with the known and experienced. Take up a challenge with confidence.
- Apply, Apply, Apply. It can never hurt!
- The service industry is on massive decline. Stay away, if possible, as a potential job may turn into merely a several month stint until there are massive cutbacks. (see article)
- Look to the Education and Healthcare fields. In the current 12 month decline, these are the only two fields on the rise.
- Don't give up. Many have quit their search. Don't be one of them. Get help!
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