It has come to my attention that my "skill level" is not as impressive as I once thought. A friend of mine was recently seeking to employ someone as his administrative assistant. He casually asked if I might be interested in the job, and then went on to list the various skill sets he was requiring in order to hire- all of which he assumed I must surely possess, having worked in such an office setting for quite some time. I don't. I can get by on the bare necessities, and if I really need to, I can [eventually] figure it out. A little doggy-paddling here and there, and I can hand you a nice piece of work. I type a very average 50 words per minute on my 9-inch notebook. But here is the thing: if I lost my job, which -let's face it- is a definite possibility in today's time of financial unknowns, could I find and keep another? What kinds of competition am I up against?
I've posted a few office-friendly training courses. They are all free, and all worth your time. Just click on the links to the right under Develop. I found the Word courses very helpful, since you can sort through what you already know and not waste a bunch of time finding out how to cut and paste, etc. Even if you are feeling safe and secure in your present employment, it can never hurt to give your employer even more from your time under their employment!